Ditch Menopause Odor and Itch with Clairvee.


Menopause ushers in a new era of change and growth. But the side effects are often glazed over because, to be honest, no one’s jumping at the opportunity to bring up vaginal odor and discomfort. Non-hormonal supplements like Clairvee are a safe and naturally powerful solution to odor and itchiness while improving overall vaginal health.* So you and your vagina can feel and smell like yourself again.

Why ME?

Vaginal odor, itching, and discharge are completely normal side effects of menopause, caused by a decrease in estrogen and thinning of the vaginal walls. Your vaginal microbiome is prone to imbalance and pH changes during menopause due to diminished lactobacillus, the good bacteria that help you maintain balance. So don’t fret. These fresh scents happen, and you can rebalance your biome with Clairvee because it’s packed with natural probiotics.

So what’s in it?

Clairvee’s ingredients target the primary cause of odor and itch with live probiotic strains specific to the vaginal flora. Some of the key probiotic players include: 

  • Lactoferrin: It’s a crucial component of the natural vaginal defense system that collaborates with Clairvee’s Vaginal Blend to help create a protective biofilm. 
  • Clairvee’s Vaginal Blend: Remember that good bacteria? It’s a crucial component of the natural vaginal defense system. Billions of lactobacilli are packed into a single Clairvee capsule. 
  • Folic acid: provides micronutrient support and may play a part in maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome. 

Clairvee’s capsule-in-capsule technology protects these live probiotics, delaying their release, so they get to work where and when you want them to. Plus, the outer capsule is an extra barrier to oxygen, moisture, and heat. Meaning an extra level of protection and no refrigeration required.

What’s wrong with a quick fix?

When dealing with itch and odor, reaching for the fastest possible solution is tempting. But short-term solutions like douches and sprays are considered ‘short term’ for a reason: unlike Clairvee, they’re not addressing the root cause and can exacerbate the issue by disrupting your vagina’s pH balance. Clairvee, on the other hand, is formulated with ingredients clinically shown to improve vaginal health. So keep up the good work and feel the difference.

So when will Clairvee start working?

Clairvee renews balance in 15 days and provides month-long protection as the probiotic works magic in your microbiome, bringing your vaginal pH to a healthy level.* By the end of the month, Clairvee has restored and balanced your microbiome, helping alleviate odor, itch, and discharge. To get your system in tip-top shape, commit to Clairvee for six months and maintain your balance long-term.

Consistency is key.

The best way to harness the full benefits of Clairvee is to keep taking it. Pesky everyday factors like sex, diet, stress, fabrics, and hot weather can disrupt your microbiome, but Clairvee keeps working to help you stay balanced. The probiotics do their job to help you maintain your vagina’s overall health, and you feel comfortable and confident month after month. 

While menopause can mean many things, it doesn’t mean you have to live with discomfort. You deserve to feel like yourself and not worry about your vagina all the time! Clairvee can do that job for you so that you can focus on the big picture.

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by Insider Envy Staff

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