Miss the Old Power Theme Song? Don’t Miss Episode 3 on Sunday 9/8



Miss the Old Power Theme Song? Don’t Miss Episode 3 on Sunday 9/8

Power fans and newcomers alike were absolutely shook when Power premiered with a Big Rich Town remix (sung by Trey Songz) instead of the more familiar voice of Joe. Don’t take our word for it, here are a few samples of what the internet had to say:

To some degree, Trey Songz really got the short end of the stick here. What can we say? Power fans just weren’t ready for something new.

Whatever the case, 50 Cent decided to step in and swap the remix for the original. He confirmed on Instagram that Episode 3, which premieres on Sunday 9/8 and also happens to be his directorial debut, will feature the old theme song.

If you want to hear the sweet sounds of Big Rich Town, and see 50 Cent’s debut as a director (which is bound to be epic), start your free trial on the STARZ App now.

Bonus tip: you’ll be able to watch Power early at midnight EST on Sunday, only on the


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