ButcherBox vs Good Chop: The Best Meat and Seafood Subscription Service in 2024


By Insider Envy Staff

With the rise of subscription-based meat delivery services, home cooks and health-conscious individuals have found the perfect solution to find quality and convenience. ButcherBox is by far the most established and popular choice in the United States. Founded in 2015 by a community-funded Kickstarter, the employee-owned company has served an impressive 1.5 million members since they started due to their reputation for providing the highest quality meat and seafood on the market. Over the years lots of alternatives have sprung up to try and compete with ButcherBox, including the HelloFresh-owned Good Chop, founded in 2021. 

We decided to dive deep into the offerings, services, and overall experiences provided by ButcherBox and Good Chop to come to a verdict of which service is better, so you can decide which service is right for you. 

ButcherBox reigns supreme in quality and sourcing

After looking through all available options with both services, we concluded that ButcherBox wins when it comes to quality. They are the only B-Corp Certified meat and seafood company to source only from partners with third-party animal welfare certifications, meaning you can trust their products are all high quality, and sourced sustainably. Good Chop provides high quality options as well, however one key difference is that their beef is grain-finished, which pales in comparison to the 100% grass-fed beef provided by ButcherBox.

Plan Flexibility: More Options with ButcherBox

While both ButcherBox and Good Chop offer fully customizable box options, ButcherBox also offers curated boxes for those who prefer to sit back and leave the choosing to the ButcherBox experts. 

In addition, ButcherBox offers flexible delivery options, and they make it easy to skip a delivery in case you’re out of town or you’re still working through your previous box. ​ButcherBox also allows users to add additional cuts to their box each month at discounted member prices.


ButcherBox advertises their price per serving starts at $3.50, while Good Chop advertises that their price per serving starts at $3.74. ​In addition, ButcherBox shipping is free while Good Chop charges an additional $9.99 each month for shipping.


While both ButcherBox and Good Chop offer convenient solutions for premium meat and seafood delivery, ButcherBox emerges as the superior choice for those seeking top-tier meat & seafood, flexible subscription options, and convenience at a reasonable price point. 

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by Insider Envy Staff

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