Insider Envy has the opportunity to shape how people across the world discover new health products. Setting up clear guidelines on how we write articles, reviews, and respond to requests for removal of our articles improves our content and builds trust with our community of readers.
The document is separated into two sections:
1) Corrections, Updates, Deletions, and Errors,
2) Sourcing
Corrections, Updates, Deletions, and Errors
Body Copy Updates
INSIDER ENVY periodically updates our articles to make sure they reflect the most accurate information about a given subscription. In particular, our “Best Of” articles are frequently updated to show the most accurate information regarding price, coupons, branding (photos) and more.
We remove products that go out of business from our lists and we change the order of boxes based on community and editor feedback as companies adjust their offerings.
The majority of these updates are informational; however, occasionally, larger updates are made based on our review process. When we update an article, the date at the top of the article will change to show the date of this most recent update.
Requests for Removal:
All INSIDER ENVY posts are researched. When we write reviews, it is after trying a product and discovering unique insights on how the product worked for our author.
Inaccurate or Out of Date Information:
If a brand or 3rd party requests a piece of content to be removed, we take the request seriously. If it can be demonstrated that an article contains information that is out of date or inaccurate, we will update the post to reflect the most accurate information or remove the post completely if there is no easy way to update the post. The onus is on the brand or 3rd party to prove that a post contains inaccurate information—we will not change a post simply because it was requested.
Trademark Infringement and Cease and Desist Requests:
If a trademark infringement or cease and desist order is issued for any content on INSIDER ENVY, we will follow all steps required by law to respond in a timely fashion. This includes determining if the request has merit, consulting legal counsel, and removing the content if it can be proven that trademark infringement is accurate/applicable.
Misleading Content:
INSIDER ENVY takes our responsibility as product reviewers seriously. We are a leading expert on health products and our team has tried and reviewed hundreds of different products. Furthermore, we strive to maintain a positive voice on the INSIDER ENVY site and look to highlight a box’s strengths over its weaknesses. That said, if someone believes our content is misleading, we will complete a thorough review to determine if the complaint has merit. Our team will respond to the complaint in no more than fourteen (14) days, letting the requestor know whether we will update the content or not and providing explanation behind our choice.
Libel and Defamation:
All claims of libel or defamation pertaining to an article on INSIDER ENVY will be immediately reported to our general manager and legal counsel. After reviewing the complaint with our legal counsel, we will follow-up with the claim and outline next steps to resolve the issue.
We hold ourselves to a high-bar for content accuracy and always look to maintain a positive voice throughout our content, so we take any libel or defamation claims seriously.
It is rare for INSIDER ENVY to delete an article after it has been published but we hold the right to do so at any point. Deletions may occur if a box goes out of business, a post is determined to be inaccurate, or if we determine that removing a post is in the best interest of our readers and community. When deleting a post, we will setup a redirect to point users back to our home page where they can continue to explore our site.
We aim to only use fair use images on INSIDER ENVY. If an image is found on the site that is neither owned by INSIDER ENVY or properly licensed, we will remove it immediately upon notification.
We sometimes embed Instagram images, YouTube videos and tweets in our content. When referencing a social media post we link to the original post to give full credit to the author of the post.
Information and Facts
Most of the content on INSIDER ENVY is opinion-based and therefore reflects the opinion of the author and the INSIDER ENVY content team. However, all our reviews are thoroughly researched and often include ratings provided by the INSIDER ENVY community, all of which substantiate our content and opinions. When including information that is not an opinion we always conduct thorough research to make sure we are providing accurate and unbiased information.
All content on INSIDER ENVY is independently written and not taken from another website or blog.
When reviewing a product, our reviewers will read the company’s website to understand how they see their product. Occasionally, we will quote the company’s own language in our posts if we believe this helps make the review clearer and more accurate. However, these instances are few and far between—the majority of the time we use our own language and voice to describe the product to convey our unique perspective on how the product works.
Polls and Other Studies
INSIDER ENVY occasionally runs polls and surveys to provide unique insights about the subscription industry. When we do this, we link to a page or provide a paragraph that details our survey methodology in order to make the results as clear and unbiased as possible.