January 9, 2020

Vitamin K: Everything you need to know

Vitamin K isn't just one vitamin, but a group of compounds. These fat-solubles include vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), vitamin K2 MK-4 (menaquinone-4), and vitaminK2 MK-7 (menaquinone-7).
January 9, 2020

Vitamin E: Everything you need to know

Vitamin E is a group of eight fat-soluble vitamins that are necessary for proper function of the body. Vitamin E's powers go beyond just maintaining healthy skin and hair.
September 16, 2021

Best Vitamin E Foods

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants protects the body from free radicals that can damage cells, tissues, and organs.
September 16, 2021

Best Vitamin K Foods

Vitamin K deficiency is rare because it's so plentiful in whole foods.
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